Environmental projects

” Clean industry   –   Sustainable environment   –    Innovation of all new ideas   –   Adopting global technology”

The company has implemented a range of projects like the “benefiting of waste heat” by installing the Waste Heat Based Power Recovery project which is considered the biggest of its kind and focuses on generating electricity using the waste heat from process, leading to reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by more than 200,000 tons per year.

Weast Heat Recovery Project

A global strategic project aimed primarily at reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions in the region through energy reuse, with the eco-friendly plant reducing atmospheric carbon emissions by 200,000 tons per annum.

Material Handling Area Coverage project

As a part of drive towards Greener environment in the plant, and as per the directives received from the Ministry Of Climate Change & Environment and Environmental Protection and Development Authority (EPDARAK), GCC has extensively covered their plant with sheds to prevent fugitive dust emission.

Green Landscapes

The company is very keen in plantations on all the sides of roads and open spaces to create a green environment in the factory.